
The flier for this class is available here: Fall ‘24 / Spring ‘25

What is Musicreative™? . . .

Musicreative™ is a unique music education class of Hug Music which is available for students with all abilities. It utilizes an original music education method that blends techniques from music therapy into music instruction making it available for students with all abilities. This method was created by music educator,board-certified music therapist, and owner/director of Hug Music, Ms. Kana Kamitsubo, in 2008 and has been highly recognized in the fields of music education and music therapy. The key to success in this method is motivating the students to develop and grow through music activities and instruction. Based on the premise that all children can learn when given the proper tools, this method is adapted to provide elements of success and competency. Respecting that each individual is unique, this approach recognizes students' differences and strives to reach the musician within each child, which Kana refers to as “Musical Self."

What are the goals of this method? . . .

The goal is to enhance each child’s growth, as a musician and as a person. Facluty members at Hug Music believe that growth as a person and growth as a musician are mutually reinforcing processes. For example, when a child learns to pluck guitar strings properly, his fine-motor skills also improve. When the child learns to play a song on the piano or gains a new musical skill, his self-esteem grows and he becomes more motivated to learn.

Who can take this class? . . .

This class is available for individuals with all abilities.

Is this Music Therapy? What is the difference? . . .

No, Musicreative™ is not music therapy. Musicreative™ is a music insturction incorporated with music therapy tehcniques, knowledges and skills in order to meet each individual's unique needs and help individual successfuly learn music. While music therapy is a form of treatment that solely focuses on improving clients' non-musical goals such as social and cognitive skills, Musicreative™ program is a music class that students learn music theory, singing, and how to play instruments. Alhough there are overlapping areas that Musicreative™ can address such as attention and learning skills, Musicreative™ is not a form of treatment but music lesson.

How does the session proceed? . . .

Depending on each child, instructors at Hug Music wants to make sure to understand how each child learns because we believe each individual leanrs differently. We also help a child get ready for receiving music instruction by providing music activities that help the child improve his or her pre-academic and other skills that are necessary for learning. For example, if a child has very limited attention span and difficulty in following structures, we smaller steps in each instruction enabling the child to always succeed. At the same time, we are also aware that providing the right amount of challege is crucial to motivate children in learning. All the musical activities are enjoyable and success-oriented and tailoerd to each child's unique learning style. Instructors discover each child’s innate musical ability and strengthen it and help the child transitions to music instruction and more focus is placed on improving musical skills such as piano playing and underdtanding music theory.

What do experts say?

This method has demonstrated remarkable outcomes within the students who have taken this class. Especailly, it has been found effective among families of special needs children and professionals who work with children with special needs. With the outcomes of her approach, Kana has received tremendous positive acclaim from several music educators and music therapy experts. Kana’s approach is referred to as “highly significant in the field of music therapy, music education, and special education” and regarding the outcomes of her students, “they have far exceeded the outcomes typically attained by clients on the spectrum,” according to Darcy Walworth, Chair of Certification Board of Music Therapists and Co-chair of the Autism Task Force for the American Music Therapy Association.

How can I get started?

All new students who are interested in Musicreative™ sessions are encouraged to start with a 5-week package. Click here to learn about the package and how you can proceed.

Ms.Kana’s innovative approach, Musicreative™, is highly significant in the field of music education, special education and music therapy. The outcomes of the clients with autism have far exceeded the outcomes typically attained by clients on the spectrum

Testimonial:Letter from Mark’s mother

When I first brought M (child’s name) to Ms. Kana, I did not know how far he could go; he was 3 years and 11 months old, was extremely impulsive, and could not engage himself in any activity for more than 2 minutes. He could not play one key at a time with his finger.

But Ms. Kana made a miracle happen! Immediately after M started to work with her, I was impressed by her enormous effort and extraordinary skills to improve my son’s skills. She carefully observes M’s behaviors and tries to understand the reasons behind them in order to decrease inappropriate behaviors and increase proper behaviors. It was impressive that M’s attention span greatly increased within 8 sessions and he was able to maintain his focus and fully participate in a 30 minute lesson with no problems.

After a few months of working with Ms. Kana, it was obvious that M started to make tremendous progress. When I watched a video excerpt she sent me of M’s playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the color bells, my heart was beating fast and, at the end of the excerpt, it was jumping out of my chest. I was amazed by his progress and realized that he has great potential! He continues to develop his skills and now he is able to play more complicated songs such as Ode To Joy both on the bells and piano with both hands and fingers alternating – before training with Kana, this would have been an impossible feat for him.

Another miracle to me is that M improved his cognitive skills through his work with Ms. Kana. He learned to play music games Kana introduced in the lessons. I just could not believe that he one day could put seven solfege cards in order, descending and ascending. She has also introduced him to reading rhythms in a way he can understand. Ms. Kana always designs musical games and activities that are just right for M and gradually makes it more challenging. In this way, M feels secure to explore himself in learning and grow his self-esteem and motivation in learning. I have noticed that those learned skills have transferred to his activities outside music lessons; M is now able to follow directions better, learn and play games successfully, demonstrate willingness to try new and challenging tasks, and communicate better with me.

Furthermore, Ms. Kana closely working with me has helped me understand the therapeutic and educational process. She sends me weekly lesson report and describes my son’s progress and learning process. She shares my son’s accomplishments in the lesson through video and audio clips as well. These help me understand the therapeutic purposes of music activities and how I can help him at home. Moreover, Ms. Kana’s confidence in M’s potential has encouraged me to believe in him and has helped me notice subtle positive changes in his behaviors.

For all of these reasons, Ms. Kana is a remarkable music therapist/teacher, an indispensible asset to my family and a major contributor to the fields of music therapy, music education, and special education.
— Lisa, Mark's Mother